What do I need to know?
Appointments are scheduled, changed, and/or cancelled by telephone. Thank you for your understanding.
Counselling appointments vary from once or twice weekly, to once every two weeks to once a month. Appointment schedules are custom-tailored to meet your needs and your doctors recommendations.
Please note we have a strict 24-hour cancellation policy. This is out of respect to our waitlist clients and our counsellors. Thank you for your understanding and commitment.
Cancellations, Missed, and Late Appointments
What happens if I need to cancel an appointment?
If you need to cancel your appointment, please do so 24-hours before your scheduled appointment time otherwise your full session fee will apply. This is out of respect to our waitlist clients and our counsellors. Thank you for your understanding and consideration.
What happens if I miss or forget about an appointment?
For missed appointments, your session fee will apply and we will call you to reschedule. If two appointments are missed without warning, no further bookings will be offered. This is out of respect to our waitlist clients and our counsellors. Thank you for your understanding and commitment.
What happens if I am running late for an appointment?
If you are late for an appointment your session time will not be extended and the full session fee will apply. If you will be more than 10 minutes late please phone ahead or your appointment may be cancelled.
Call Us
Call us at 250.574.5460 to schedule an appointment. Please leave a message if we are unavailable and we will happily return your call within 1 business day.
Provide Coverage Information
Please have the following ready when scheduling your appointment:
Your full name, phone number, and email address.
Your doctor or specialist referral for counselling as a result of a MVA.
The contact information of your ICBC adjuster AND your claim number.
The name and contact information of your lawyer if you have one.
Wait for Coverage Approval
Before scheduling an appointment, we will contact your ICBC adjuster and/or lawyer to arrange counselling coverage. Please keep in mind:
Your coverage will vary depending on your claim and adjuster.
This process can take anywhere from 3 days to 2 months depending on the timeliness of their reply. However, we work diligently to ensure you receive care as soon as possible.
If you would like to attend counselling before coverage is arranged we would be happy to schedule an appointment; however, we cannot guarantee that you will be reimbursed for your appointment costs.
Schedule an Appointment
As soon as we hear back about coverage, we will contact you to schedule your initial appointment.
Confirm Appointment
Once your appointment has been scheduled, we will send a confirmation email with your appointment time. If you do not receive an email please let us know.
Please note all other appointments will be scheduled directly with your counsellor unless they request you reschedule with our administration staff. If you have any questions, comments, or concerns please feel free to call us at 250.574.5460.
Costs of Care
1-hour care sessions are $200 + GST and 1 and a half-hour care sessions are $250 + GST.
Please note: Rates are subject to change and reports and assessments are subject to additional fees.
Invoices, Receipts, & Co-Pay
Receipts and invoices will be issued at the end of your session.
If you receive coverage through ICBC, we will bill your adjuster and/or lawyer directly at the end of each month.
If you receive coverage through extended health you must submit your receipt and invoice for reimbursement. If you were referred for counselling by a medical practitioner, we encourage you to attach your referral to your invoices upon submission.
Co-pay fees are applicable when coverage from ICBC or an extended health provider is insufficient to cover the entire session fee. Please speak to a member of our team to discuss any applicable co-pay fees that may apply. You will be invoiced for a co-pay fee at the end of your session. An example of this would appear as follows: If your hourly session fee is $200.00 plus GST and ICBC agrees to pay $100.00 plus GST per session, you would be responsible for paying $100.00 plus GST at the end of each session.